In Which I Turn 30 in Hiker Trash Style

I have the feeling this post may be a little disjointed. That’s partly because I’m pressed for time; the Kent, CT library only allows a half hour of computer time. Town overstimulation has something to do with it, and I’m buzzing on sugar. Also, I haven’t been sleeping well–it’s HOT and the no-see-ums get through my bug netting and eat me alive–so I’m a bit punchy most of the time.

For all that, I’m very happy right now. I busted out a tough 8 miles today, with the most steep, long hill climb in quite a while (a reminder that New Hampshire is in the future), then came into town. It’s bright and sunny out; hot and humid on the trail, but cool and breezy when sitting in the shade outside a sandwich cafe. My ride dropped me off in front of the outfitter, where I got new tips put on my trekking poles. The metal tip had dislodged from both poles, but now I’ll click away merrily again. I also picked up a small length of duct tape and a new bottle of Dr. Bronners Magic Soap. The magic is, it makes dirty, stinky hikers clean and slightly less stinky! Not sure when I’ll get get a chance to actually use it, as hiker amenities are scarcer (or just plain prohibitively expensive) in New England, but my day will come.

After that I had a delicious panini, two Cokes, and a bowl of strawberry gelato. A girl sitting near me overheard me say it was my birthday, and she folded a paper crane for me! I chatted with a hiker I’d not met before, and then struck out for the post office. Waiting for me there was a box from my brother with a new food bag and a stuff sack for my sleeping pad, and a GIANT box from my mom with all kinds of goodies from home: cookies from local bakeries, Central Market olives, Pacific Northwest smoked salmon, Irish cheese, various jerkies…the hikers will be eating in style tonight! I didn’t even have to go to the grocery store as I’d planned! My mom also sent me A HARMONICA! Now I will be able to make beautiful, beautiful music on the trail. Barring that, it’s a great way to get back at those early birds who insist on talking LOUDLY at 5 AM. (No joke. But…although the early bird gets the worm, the night owl gets the harmonica. Just sayin’.)

So now I’m almost out of time. I’m going to go get an espresso shake, let my phone charge a little more, and return to my people in the woods. Then, tomorrow: NORTH!

My friend Amy sent me a birthday card and said how none of us, at our cores, have really changed as we’ve grown from girls to women. She said, “Kate’s still saving the world!” I’m not, but on the AT, I’m certainly saving myself. Maybe I’ll get around to the rest of the world later. There’s a big mountain in Maine to summit first.

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